We provide home dental visits

We visit the homes, hospitals, and facilities of elderly or disabled individuals who find it difficult to visit a dental clinic and provide dental treatment and oral care.

A dentist and dental hygienist will visit with specialized equipment.

Treatment will be performed in a comfortable position, tailored to the patient's condition.
Please feel free to consult with us.

Your oral health and entire body health

Unfortunately, people physically challenged are unable to care their mouth enough so their moth tend to be unsanitary condition
Elderly people who need long-term care especially easily get their mouth bad condition and this cause aspiration pneumonia. Regular dental checking up and treatment are needed.

Bad oral condition also bring out loss of appetite.
Keeping oral condition in good, you will get entire body health not only mouth.
If you are unable to go dental clinic, do not give up. We accept your offer and support your QOL; quality of life with our house visit.

  • Oral care(Preventive therapy of aspiration pneumonia and infectious disease )
  • Treatment for decayed tooth and prevention
  • Treatment for periodontal disease and prevention
  • Preparation, repair and making dentures
<Consultation time>

10:00-13:00 on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. It takes about from 30minutes to 1hour. Appointments are preferable.

<Cost for treatment>

Various insurances coverage

<Sphere of our activity>

We can visit within 16km from our clinic; 16km is about 10miles.

Please feel free to contact us.

  • TEL. (0942) 81-5410
  • FAX. (0942) 81-5411
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